Urdu SAPI Voice: CLE Naghma 1.0


Free License Application Form
Center for Language Engineering is providing a free copy of Urdu SAPI Voice to the visually impaired community for individual use.
Follow the steps mentioned below to acquire free copy of Urdu SAPI Voice:
Step 1: Kindly fill the registration form and submit the details.
CNIC Number
Father's Name
Postal Address
Contact Number
This is to certify that

Step 2: Kindly attach CNIC or B-Form (for minors only).
Select CNIC or B-Form
Upload CNIC - Front:
Upload CNIC - Back:
Upload B-Form:
Signature (Name)
License Agreement
Agreed Disagreed
For feedback, suggestions & activation contact: .

Muhammad Kamran Khan
Email: support.naghma@cle.org.pk
Tel: +92-42-36821444