For acquiring linguistic resources, please use the following process:
- Browse through the individual pages of each linguistic resource for details
- Go to the shopping cart and select the resources you would like to acquire
- Go to checkout option using the shopping cart to generate a complete invoice (which you will receive via email)
- Contact CLE via email at with the invoice
- Upon receipt of invoice, you will be emailed a Licencse document for the linguistics resources being acquired
- Request the relevant institutional authority to sign and submit the license to CLE at this address
- Once the license is recived and processed, you will be contacted by CLE to issue the payment as per the invoice
- After the payment is issued, please email CLE to confirm
- As soon as payment is received, CLE will make the relevant resources available for downloading (if data is needed on CD/DVD, extra shipment costs may apply)
- Only institutional licenses are currently available. Individual licenses are not available at this time